Ocean Nova ship overview

Ocean Nova Polar Boat is a 100% Francophone shipping ship with a capacity of only 75 passengers. It is ideal for exploring all the great polar wildlife of Spitsbergen.

8 polar guides will enrich your cruise expedition with their interventions on biology, photographic advice, ice and rocks, the fascinating history of whalers and trappers, stories of explorations …

7 zodiacs with 12 seats on board will allow you to disembark and navigate the best in this exceptional environment; they constitute our “secret weapon”. To allow you to make the most of the excursions, your lifejackets, whose wearing is mandatory, are very compact.

The open spaces are very wide on board and allow to observe, take pictures or film in the best possible conditions.

Footbridge and map room are free to access and you can “participate” in the navigation. However, our team will mobilize from time to time the best places of observation to search for and locate bears, birds, seals, whales … At the bridge, respect the work of the officers and the staff and be discreet.

Ocean Nova




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